Program: navigate.exe Version: 2.0 Description: Project Navigator for Delphi16 Author: Richard Shotbolt Email: Date: 25 Mar 1997 Project Navigator is an add-on tool for your Delphi16 IDE. It monitors the current edit window and updates two lists. The upper list shows the sections in your program and the lower shows a list of your global and local routines in shorthand form using the following abbreviations: G - Global L - Local P - Procedure F - Function C - Constructor D - Destructor Double-clicking on an item in either list box will place it at the top of the edit window. You can show the items in alphabetic or line-number order. The navigator interrogates the edit window once per second and updates if the file name changes. It shuts down when it detects that Delphi has gone. If you modify your code you can ask the navigator to update. You can alt-tab or click on the navigator window to bring it to the front. Version 2 adds a check box to allow the navigator to stay on top. Project Navigator is freeware, but without source code as it uses a new text stream component I'm keeping under wraps. --------------------------------------------------------------------- << Installation >> Make a directory \DELPHI\NAVIGATE. (substitute your own directory names where necessary!) Unzip NAVIGATE.ZIP into it. Start Delphi and select Options, Tools, Add Fill in the details exactly as follows: (best to cut & paste the Params line) Title: &Navigator Program: c:\delphi\navigate\navigate.exe Directory: Params: $SAVEALL $PATH($EDNAME)$NAME($EDNAME) Open a project and select Navigator from your tools menu. You should now see a list of your procedures.